
GOP Debate: Republicans Unhinged


Right from the beginning, the candidates in the South Carolina Republican debate brushed aside President Obama’s hopeful State of the Union message, doubling down on their apocalyptic vision of America.

Marco Rubio's Florida Problem

  • Kirk Nielsen
AP Images

Could Rubio save the GOP from its third consecutive humiliating defeat in the quadrennial struggle for the White House?

  • Cara Lombardo

There’s nothing new about false information spreading like wildfire, especially when news becomes a battle for the loudest soundbite.



Contrary to media coverage, the Oregon Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation is not led by ranchers who are tired of being pushed around by the federal government.


Illustration by Mark Fiore

The logic seems to be that as long as you’re not Donald Trump, you must be sane and a few steps closer to a smart, reasonable candidate.

Why Ben Carson is Unraveling

Photo by DonkeyHotey

We shouldn’t be surprised that the wheels are coming off of the poorly built Ben Carson bus.

The Real Republican Debate

Animation by Mark Fiore

After the recent on-stage mayhem, the GOP presidential candidates say they're gonna take control of the debate.

  • Jud Lounsbury

Paul Ryan's guru Ayn Rand gave this television interview to Mike Wallace back in 1959. Check out the origins of Ryan's "makers and takers" philosophy. It will scare you!

Paul Ryan Shrugs

Mark Fiore

The budget Ryan proposed in the past was initially seen as crazy-right-wing-applesauce, but has now earned him a top spot as a wise budget sage and unifying figure. Methinks we’re still in for some serious fights.


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It was fascinating to watch Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders duke it out in the New...

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By Wendell Berry

Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front

Love the quick profit, the annual raise,
vacation with pay. Want more 
of everything ready made. Be afraid 
to know your neighbors and to die.
And you will have a window in your head.
Not even your future will be a mystery 
any more. Your mind will be punched in a card 
and shut away in a little drawer.
When they want you to buy something 
they will call you. When they want you
to die for profit they will let you know. 
So, friends, every day do something
that won’t compute. Love the Lord. 
Love the world. Work for nothing. 
Take all that you have and be poor.
Love someone who does not deserve it. 
Denounce the government and embrace 
the flag. Hope to live in that free 
republic for which it stands. 
Give your approval to all you cannot
understand. Praise ignorance, for what man 
has not encountered he has not destroyed.
Ask the questions that have no answers. 
Invest in the millennium. Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest
that you did not plant,
that you will not live to harvest.
Say that the leaves are harvested 
when they have rotted into the mold.
Call that profit. Prophesy such returns.
Put your faith in the two inches of humus 
that will build under the trees
every thousand years.
Listen to carrion—put your ear
close, and hear the faint chattering
of the songs that are to come. 
Expect the end of the world. Laugh. 
Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful
though you have considered all the facts. 
So long as women do not go cheap 
for power, please women more than men.
Ask yourself: Will this satisfy 
a woman satisfied to bear a child?
Will this disturb the sleep 
of a woman near to giving birth? 
Go with your love to the fields.
Lie easy in the shade. Rest your head 
in her lap. Swear allegiance 
to what is nighest your thoughts.
As soon as the generals and the politicos 
can predict the motions of your mind, 
lose it. Leave it as a sign 
to mark the false trail, the way 
you didn’t go. Be like the fox 
who makes more tracks than necessary, 
some in the wrong direction.
Practice resurrection.

Wendell Berry is a poet, farmer, and environmentalist in Kentucky. This poem, first published in 1973, is reprinted by permission of the author and appears in his “New Collected Poems” (Counterpoint).

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