Guy Brandenburg

How Well Are DC Charter Schools Educating At-Risk Kids?

The results may surprise you.
Charter Schools

Why do we let Bill Gates get away with this stuff?

Some beautiful questions from Myra Blackmon about the influence of Bill Gates on education, comparing it to the careful and time-consuming process we require drug companies to go through before they can bring a new drug to market.

 Gates is rich, he has purchased his bully pulpit and we are swallowing his “brilliance” hook, line and sinker.

Enrollment in Teacher Education Courses is Declining

Apparently students are deciding in large numbers that teaching is not such a safe, stable career any more, and as a result, in several large states, the numbers of students enrolled in programs to prepare students for a career in education is going down dramatically. In California, the numbers have dropped by over 40 percent in just a few years (from 44,692 in 2008/9 to 26.321 in 2011/12). In New York State, they went from 79,225 im 2009/10 to 61,821 in 2011/12, a 22% drop.

Stephen Pruis on Lies Most Often Told About Education

” a partial list: (of lies told about education in America that have been repeatedly debunked, sometimes in my blog, sometimes elsewhere – GFB)

Electronic Schools of Ohio are an Excellent Idea for Investors

But not so wonderful for Ohio’s students, families or taxpayers. The moral of the story is that in Ohio, 1.charter schools do MUCH WORSE than regular public schools in test scores 2. e- Schools, or online charter schools charge about the same as regular public schools beget per pupil even though the have no building to maintain and no bus transportation 3. Dropout rates at e-schools are MUCH HIGHER than at their public compeeion, even worse than at charter schools 4. Some politicians continue pretending and making excuses

Correct Answers to High School Common Core Questions?

After wading through various hardware, software and connection problems in my iPhone, laptop and desktop, I have attempted some of the sample high school Common Core English and math questions. I am profoundly underwhelmed by the questions and by the supposed genius of David Coleman — their mastermind and Rhodes scholar, who however has never taught any classes ever in any K-12 level.

Fact-free Praises for “Rhee-form” in DC from a Dick

Richard Whitmire is at it again, claiming huge success for the eduDEformers without the slightest evidence.

My thoughts on what to do

Here’s what I wrote and turned at the Reclaim Public Education meeting:

The PISA results

1. There is a lot of evidence that being a good test-taker does not necessarily overlap with other desirable properties, either on the individual level or on the local or national or international level. 2. A lot of silly things are read into comparing how many questions they get right in one country versus another. 3. The United States has now TEN FULL YEARS in which it has based essentially ALL educational decisions on test scores, with a small but well-funded and powerful group claiming that it would produce miracles in raising American students’ test scores on every level that they can be measured.

Latest NAEP Results

...the increases in some of the scores in DC (my home town) are a continuation of a trend that has been going on since about 2000. As a result of those increases, DC’s fourth grade math students, while still dead last in the nation, have nearly caught up with MISSISSIPPI, the lowest-scoring state in the US.


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